Boat Covers

To make the experience even better, add more comfort, convenience, and sun protection. Get an awning quote today!

Uncovered boats are magnets for dust, dirt, bird droppings, tree sap, leaves, twigs, and just about anything else that travels through the air. Add in heat, humidity, UV rays, thunderstorms, hailstones, and freezing temperatures. We can help you protect your boat today!​

Boat Covers

We offer both affordable custom and semi-custom covers. Boat tops, canvas window coverings, and canvas covers are all products of United Canvas. Along with carrying boat, trailer, and tarp supplies, we also offer custom upholstery.A meticulous attention to detail is what differentiates United Canvas from the competition. At United Canvas, you'll discover the quality and customer care you've come to expect from a top business.

Boat Covers

Bimini/ Enclosures